The Guestbook seems to have settled, the recent blast of animosity perhaps vented for a period. One useful piece of information from this is to learn that negativity is very expensive: to vent costs us a huge amount of high quality energy. Yesterday I read a post from a visitor who is beginning to recognise part of what DGM Live may lead towards. But generally, the penny doesn't seem to have dropped yet.
16.28 The penny seems to be dropping.
Ade & Robert are into songwriting mode. For the first time in 15 years we looked at the interlocking guitar style which was a feature of the 1981-84 Crim. We also discovered an approach which we've never been close to before: Adrian as blues player. Athough he never plays that way, Adrian knows what most every American guitarist knows of their tradition - blues, Hendrix, rock riffs. So, today Ade was playing blues in spirit, rather than cliche, over an accompaniment which probably no blue guitar has flown over before.
This evening we are going to look at a club in town with a view to being a venue for King Crimson's debut performances in November. The King Crimson Double Duo will be working at Chez Belew on the next studio album and, to test drive the emerging repertoire, present works in progress for audience response. Not quite public rehearsals, not quite Crimson in full noisefest power-zone, but four guys getting up & giving it their best shot. There's nothing quite like exposure to public ridicule to galvanise the performer's attention. Any audient who would like to see four grown men falling over and getting up again, repeatedly, over a four day period might be interested. Then, with a better sense of the material & its effect on audiences, we'll return to Chez Belewbeloid for fine-tuning & recalibration, then full recording.
DGM Live plans to make these shows available through Media 4.0. If everything develops as we hope, these will be the debut shows for
Also arising today: KC have been offered 3 unsuitable dates in Poland next June. This Crim is not a theatre & concert touring outfit, which is exactly the kind of work we get offered outside America. So Poland has offered the appalling Congress Hall in Warsaw, plus an amphitheatre & an arena. Quiet heartbreak. I have suggested we do several days in a Warsaw club as an alternative to the Congress Hall, which was built by Stalin as a gift to the Polish people. Thanks, Uncle Joe. Its architecture enshrines his paranoia. And a Japanese book publisher wants to publish a book of Crim. I have been attempting to be positive about both of these approaches.
Vic Garbarini has just called: he has stomach problems so our dinner tonight is off.